Payment Methods
SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) is an area comprised of 34 European countries in which payment transactions denominated in euro are being standardized. Starting on the 1st of February 2014, the old national bank transfer and direct debit systems are replaced by the standardized SEPA Credit Transfer and SEPA Direct Debit.
SEPA provides
For you as an online merchant, this change will affect not only direct debit payments, but all bank account-based payment methods. From now on, bank account information must be provided in IBAN/BIC format. This applies to your customers' accounts as well as to your own. All German bank account details of our merchants will be automatically converted by us. However, if you use a foreign bank account, we will have to ask you to take care of this transition yourself.
For payments by wire transfer, invoice, or prepayment, the IBAN/BIC of your merchant account is sufficient to receive payments. The IBAN/BIC will also be required for refunds.
PAYONE has adapted the processing of bank statements for IBAN/BIC in such a way that the automatic allocation of transactions and return debit notes is still possible.
All account details for accounts with German financial institutions are automatically converted to the IBAN/BIC format during a transaction. This means that the account details of existing customers will remain unchanged in our system until a transaction is performed. Details for accounts with foreign institutions cannot be converted automatically (see below).
We will generate the IBAN and BIC from the account number and sort code provided, where required for a transaction, for both existing customers and newly submitted account details for German accounts. We will also complete the BIC if only an IBAN was submitted. This allows you to use the "IBAN only" procedure that was officially introduced in Germany on February 1, 2014. We do not offer this service for accounts with foreign institutions. For German accounts, PAYONE has a conversion rate of over 99% of all valid bank codes (excluding obsolete or deleted bank codes).
We will decompose the IBAN/BIC into the country-specific account details (BBAN, in Germany: account number/sort code) for both domestic and foreign bank accounts, ensuring that the record in our system always contains both IBAN/BIC and BBAN. All payment information provided in IBAN/BIC format prior to the official SEPA migration will be processed correctly without the risk of rejected payments due to missing account information.
The bank account check (request "bankaccountcheck") is extended by the above conversion. You will receive the converted account data with the response. The same applies to the new "managemandate" request (see below).
SEPA requires a number of changes in the processing of direct debits. With the expansion of our interfaces and the extended functions on the PAYONE platform, we offer you the possibility to request individual, customized SEPA direct debits. This ranges from the simple processing of SEPA direct debits without the need to adapt your interfaces, to a full SEPA service that includes obtaining mandates as well as generating and managing mandate PDFs.
The Creditor ID identifies your company to the end user and is displayed on the end user's account statement. The Creditor ID is also required to obtain a mandate, as mandates are always created for a specific beneficiary or creditor.
By using the PAYONE Collection Service, you will be automatically assigned a business identifier of PAYONE's own creditor IDs, which will take care of all the necessary processes on our end.
If you process direct debits via your own accounts, please forward your creditor ID to PAYONE. This information is required in conjunction with the mandate reference for processing your direct debits.
In general, you are free to adapt the retrieval process for your SEPA mandates according to your own requirements. It should be noted, however, that there are certain rules governing the retrieval of mandates. Please consult your primary financial institution to determine the exact format for obtaining your mandates.
PAYONE offers a mandate retrieval procedure that meets the requirements of the German banking industry for SEPA mandates (telecommunications-based transmission complying with the requirement for written documentation according to article 127 paragraph 2, 126 b – German Civil Code). This procedure has been duly examined and found to comply with all relevant legal requirements. Furthermore, PAYONE has aligned this procedure with its primary banking partners.
Please be advised that the legal status of obtaining mandates in online trading will remain uncertain in the coming years. Accordingly, you are advised to consult with your primary financial institution to ascertain whether it adheres to the procedure described herein or requires the use of a paper-based mandate. Please be advised that, in any event, the onus is on you, as the payee, to provide proof and evidence of the existence of a mandate that was authorized by the payer. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee that the electronic mandate will be recognized by the debtor's bank in the event of a dispute. In this instance, the timeframe for returning goods is extended from eight weeks to 13 months. This is essentially the current practice for electronic direct debit.
PAYONE offers a comprehensive suite of services for processing SEPA direct debits, including:
In the event that the merchant's API does not transmit the requisite references, PAYONE will automatically generate them. PAYONE exclusively utilizes recurring mandates. Please be advised that if you use your own mandate references, PAYONE will only store one mandate reference for each individual account (IBAN). Please note that our system will reject any submission of the same account with a different mandate reference and issue an error message. Should you choose to have PAYONE generate your mandate references, our system will automatically verify the availability of a valid mandate for each IBAN and, if necessary, create a new mandate.
Please note that for PPS merchants, these mandate references are always automatically generated and must not be transmitted with the request. Please note that it is not possible to use both PPS and your own mandate management.
In accordance with the SEPA regulations, two different lead times are permitted for direct debits: five days for initial debits and two days for subsequent debits. Direct debits between two German credit institutions will be processed using the "COR1 procedure," reducing the lead time to a single day. Please contact your primary bank to ascertain whether and when it will support the COR1 procedure. The stipulated lead times are expressed in international banking days, also known as TARGET2 days. Please note that an additional regional banking day must be added for the submitting bank. PAYONE will ascertain whether the mandate is an initial or subsequent direct debit and will calculate the corresponding lead time.
PAYONE utilizes the "manage mandate" request to generate mandate texts in the consumer's preferred language (currently German or English) for display during the ordering process, prompting the consumer to confirm the mandate. These texts comply with the requirements set forth by the European Payment Council (EPC). Please refer to the Appendix for PAYONE's default mandate text.
Upon commission of the product "SEPA Mandates as PDF," a PDF containing the mandate content in the language of the consumer (currently German or English) will be generated for each newly created mandate. The texts comply with the requirements set forth by the European Payment Council (EPC). Please refer to the Appendix for PAYONE's default mandate text.
The mandate is stored on the PAYONE Platform, which allows users to retrieve it at any time using the "getfile" request.
Please be advised that a fee will be applied for the generation of PDF mandates. Please be advised that PAYONE will only store one mandate per account (IBAN). Should you request a further mandate for the same account, the system will not generate a new mandate and there will be no additional charge.
If you have commissioned our Invoicing module for your billing processes, you may use these invoices for dispatching pre-notifications. If you utilize PAYONE's default invoice template, the requisite SEPA data, including the creditor ID, mandate reference, and posting date, will be automatically incorporated. If you intend to use a custom template, please provide us with a sample when ordering the service so that we can make the necessary adjustments.
There are various approaches that can be taken with regard to mandates. The options outlined here represent a typical process in the retail sector, specifically in the context of goods shipment. While a content provider's process may vary slightly, the SEPA functions remain consistent. For more detailed information on the various processes and requests, please refer to the sequence diagrams in the Appendix.
If you are utilising the full functionality of the PAYONE mandate administration, you can retrieve SEPA-compliant direct debits (see above). PAYONE complies with all specific SEPA requirements.
The sequence is as follows:
If you would prefer to retrieve the mandates yourself, you may use the server API as described below.
In the event that PAYONE is responsible for generating the mandate reference, the process is analogous to the one previously outlined under "SEPA direct debit with own mandate retrieval." The merchant is provided with all relevant data to ensure a SEPA-compliant direct debit process via the server API. PAYONE is fully compliant with all technical requirements for SEPA direct debit submission and mandate referencing using this procedure. Please be advised that it is your responsibility to ensure that the mandates from your consumers are retrieved in a SEPA-compliant manner when using this procedure.
It is also possible to utilise the various options and requests on a standalone basis. As an example, you may choose to utilize the "managemandate" request without subsequently generating and saving the mandate as a PDF file. Alternatively, the product "SEPA Mandates as PDF" can be used without first generating a "floating" mandate using the "Manage Mandate" request.
The "managemandate" request offers the following functionality:
Please note that if the mandate reference of the "floating" mandate is resent for the subsequent request, this mandate will be stored permanently. In the event that no subsequent request is sent (for instance, if the consumer cancels the purchasing process), the "floating" mandate will be deleted after a period of two hours.
Subsequent requests may be one of the following:
Please note that a "bank account check" is performed during this request, which will result in the same cost per call as the request "bank account check" itself. Please refer to the API documentation for a description of the parameters.
Please refer to the Appendix for a sequence diagram illustrating the mandate.
To download the mandate as a PDF from the PAYONE Platform, please use the "getfile" request. Please note that the PDFs must have been generated previously in order for this to be possible. This is done during the generation of a new mandate if the product "SEPA Mandates as PDF" has been commissioned.
Please be advised that this request is free of charge. Please refer to the API documentation for a description of the API parameters.
Please refer to the Appendix for a sequence diagram illustrating the mandate.
Question |
Answer |
We are pleased to report that a significant number of customers have been subscribed to our services for an extended period. I have been informed that previously used direct debit mandates will be converted automatically into SEPA mandates. Please confirm whether these mandates will remain effective. Please advise if a new direct debit mandate is required for each subscriber. |
A valid direct debit mandate can be readily converted into a SEPA mandate. It is your responsibility to inform your customers about the conversion of their direct debit mandate, including the relevant reference number and the creditor ID. This can be done via email. |
What is a pre-notification? |
The pre-notification is utilized to announce the forthcoming direct debit transaction. As an alternative, you may use the invoice to complete this process. The pre-notification must include the due date and the precise amount of the transaction. It is the responsibility of the payer to receive the pre-notification at least 14 calendar days before the transaction is to be processed. This allows the payer sufficient time to ensure that the necessary funds are available in their account. The end customer must consent to any period that is less than fourteen days. This information is typically included in the general terms and conditions, which the customer is required to acknowledge. The pre-notification data can be included in the invoice. If you are using the PAYONE Invoicing module, your invoices will contain all the necessary data for a pre-notification. |
I am a PPS merchant. What do I have to do now? |
PPS uses a business identifier of the PAYONE Creditor ID - this means you do not need to apply for your own Creditor ID. PAYONE also automatically generates and assigns the mandate reference. You need to obtain a valid mandate from the end customer and save it as a PDF file on the PAYONE platform. Use the "managemandate" request to do this. In the future, you should transmit IBAN/BIC instead of the previously used combination of bank code and account number. Alternatively, PAYONE can automatically convert German bank codes/account numbers into the IBAN/BIC format and use them for the mandate and the direct debit. |
I am a merchant using my own bank account. What do I have to do now? |
You must use your own Creditor ID and have it stored by PAYONE for future direct debit transactions. You must apply for the Creditor ID in the country where your company is based. This Creditor ID can also be used for accounts in other countries, as long as these accounts are in your company's name. Ask your bank if they support COR1, the shortened period for direct debits, if you want to use this service. You should obtain a valid mandate from the end customer and save it as a PDF file on the PAYONE platform. Use the "managemandate" request to do this. In the future, you should transmit IBAN/BIC instead of the previously used combination of bank code and account number. Alternatively, PAYONE can automatically convert German bank codes/account numbers into the IBAN/BIC format and use them for the mandate and the direct debit. |
Why do I need to obtain a mandate and use "managemandate" to do this? |
The mandate is the end customer's consent that allows you to debit their account. This mandate must contain specific information. Using the "managemandate" request serves several purposes:
From the subsequent request that triggers the payment (pre-authorization/authorization/create access), this mandate will be activated and permanently stored. If you have ordered the "Mandate as PDF" product, you can now download the generated mandate and archive and/or send it to the end customer. |
SEPA-Lastschriftmandat |
Zahlungsempfänger: [creditorname] [creditor_city], [creditor_country] Gläubiger-Identifikationsnummer: [creditor_identifier] Mandatsreferenz: [mandate_identification] |
Ich ermächtige den Zahlungsempfänger, Zahlungen von meinem Konto mittels Lastschrift einzuziehen. Zugleich weise ich mein Kreditinstitut an, die von dem Zahlungsempfänger auf mein Konto gezogenen Lastschriften einzulösen. Hinweis: Ich kann innerhalb von acht Wochen, beginnend mit dem Belastungsdatum, die Erstattung des belasteten Betrages verlangen. Es gelten dabei die mit meinem Kreditinstitut vereinbarten Bedingungen. |
Name des Zahlungspflichtigen: [firstname] [lastname] Firma: [company] Straße und Hausnummer: [street] Postleitzahl: [zip] Ort: [city] Land: [country] E-Mail: [email] Swift BIC: [bic] Bankkontonummer - IBAN: [iban] [city], [date], [firstname] [lastname] |
SEPA Direct Debit Mandate |
Creditor: [creditorname] [creditor_city], [creditor_country] Identifier of the Creditor: [creditor_identifier] Mandate Reference: [mandate_identification] |
By signing this mandate form, you authorise the Creditor to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from the Creditor. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Your rights are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank. |
Name of the debtor: [firstname] [lastname] Company: [company] Street name and number: [street] Postal code: [zip] City/town: [city] Country: [country] E-mail: [email] Swift BIC: [bic] Account number - IBAN: [iban] [city], [date], [firstname] [lastname] |