To create payments, you need to link your server to our platform via one of our integration methods.
Our Ruby SDK library is the ideal solution to connect to our platform if you prefer to do so with your own stand-alone system using Ruby language.
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
API version: 1.8.0
Package version: 0.1.0
Generator version: 7.7.0
Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
Build a gem
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build PCP-server-Ruby-SDK.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./PCP-server-Ruby-SDK-0.1.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./PCP-server-Ruby-SDK-0.1.0.gem to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
Then either install the gem locally:
gem 'PCP-server-Ruby-SDK', '~> 0.1.0'
Install from Git
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
Then either install the gem locally:
gem 'PCP-server-Ruby-SDK', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly
Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
All URIs are relative to
Further Documentation can be found under Github Ruby SDK Documentation
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
PCPServerSDK::CheckoutApi | create_checkout | POST /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts | Add a Checkout to an existing Commerce Case |
PCPServerSDK::CheckoutApi | delete_checkout | DELETE /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId} | Delete a Checkout |
PCPServerSDK::CheckoutApi | get_checkout | GET /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId} | Get Checkout Details |
PCPServerSDK::CheckoutApi | get_checkouts | GET /v1/{merchantId}/checkouts | Get a list of Checkouts based on Search Parameters |
PCPServerSDK::CheckoutApi | update_checkout | PATCH /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId} | Modify a Checkout |
PCPServerSDK::CommerceCaseApi | create_commerce_case | POST /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases | Create a Commerce Case |
PCPServerSDK::CommerceCaseApi | get_commerce_case | GET /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId} | Get Commerce Case Details |
PCPServerSDK::CommerceCaseApi | get_commerce_cases | GET /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases | Get a list of Commerce Cases based on Search Parameters |
PCPServerSDK::CommerceCaseApi | update_commerce_case | PATCH /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId} | odify an existing Commerce Case. |
PCPServerSDK::OrderManagementCheckoutActionsApi | cancel_order | POST /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/cancel | Mark items of a Checkout as cancelled and automatically cancel the payment for the items |
PCPServerSDK::OrderManagementCheckoutActionsApi | create_order | POST /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/order | Creates an Order that will automatially execute a Payment |
PCPServerSDK::OrderManagementCheckoutActionsApi | deliver_order | POST /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/deliver | Mark items of a Checkout as delivered and automatically capture the payment for the items |
PCPServerSDK::OrderManagementCheckoutActionsApi | return_order | POST /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/return | Mark items of a Checkout as returned and automatically refund the payment for the items |
PCPServerSDK::PaymentExecutionApi | cancel_payment_execution | POST /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/payment-executions/{paymentExecutionId}/cancel | Cancel a Payment |
PCPServerSDK::PaymentExecutionApi | capture_payment_execution | POST /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/payment-executions/{paymentExecutionId}/capture | Capture a Payment |
PCPServerSDK::PaymentExecutionApi | complete_payment | POST /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/payment-executions/{paymentExecutionId}/complete | Complete a Payment |
PCPServerSDK::PaymentExecutionApi | create_payment | POST /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/payment-executions | Create a Payment |
PCPServerSDK::PaymentExecutionApi | refund_payment_execution | POST /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/payment-executions/{paymentExecutionId}/refund | Refund a Payment |
PCPServerSDK::PaymentInformationApi | create_payment_information | POST /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/payment-information | Create a Payment Information |
PCPServerSDK::PaymentInformationApi | get_payment_information | GET /v1/{merchantId}/commerce-cases/{commerceCaseId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/payment-information/{paymentInformationId} | Get a Payment Information |