SEPA direct debit
Parameters for SEPA Direct Debit Payments
As the first step you have to send full qualified mandate data. An integrated mandate management will be available soon.
Structure sepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput
IBAN of the end customer's bank account. The IBAN is the International Bank Account Number.
Account holder of the bank account with the given IBAN. Does not necessarily have to be the end customer (e.g. joint accounts).
Specifies whether the mandate is for one-off or recurring payments. Possible values are:
The unique identifier of the mandate
The date of signature of the mandate.
Your unique creditor identifier.
Simple example for a payment via Commerce Platform
Creating a checkout (here in one step, creating in multiple steps possible)
Creating an order for the entire checkout (partial orders also possible), SEPA Direct Debit payment is done automatically
Create CommerceCase with Checkout
Creating a CommerceCase with the initial Checkout including reference, information about the end customer and the items in the shopping cart.
POST Commerce Case
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"merchantReference": "commerce-case-sepadd-1",
"customer": {
"billingAddress": {
"city": "Musterstadt",
"countryCode": "DE",
"houseNumber": "1",
"street": "Musterstraße",
"zip": "12345"
"merchantCustomerId": "Kunde2345",
"contactDetails": {
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "+1234567890"
"personalInformation": {
"gender": "MALE",
"name": {
"firstName": "Max",
"surname": "Mustermann"
"checkout": {
"references": {
"merchantReference": "sepadd-001"
"shoppingCart": {
"items": [
"invoiceData": {
"description": "sepa pain"
"orderLineDetails": {
"productCode": "SDD01",
"productPrice": 1299,
"productType": "GOODS",
"quantity": 1,
"taxAmount": 19
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"commerceCaseId": "d3433dbf-8521-4137-8f72-a2060b05c7a0",
"checkoutId": "38080b46-a6ba-48e6-ab70-6b245d525bd9",
"shoppingCart": {
"items": [
"invoiceData": {
"description": "sepa pain"
"orderLineDetails": {
"id": "e983f355-e015-4089-b140-3da377704195",
"productCode": "SDD01",
"productPrice": 1299,
"productType": "GOODS",
"quantity": 1,
"taxAmount": 19
Order with SEPA Direct Debit payment
Creating an order for the entire checkout with data for a SEPA Direct Debit payment.
POST Order
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"orderType": "FULL",
"orderReferences": {
"descriptor": "SEPA SDD payment",
"merchantReference": "Order-2234521246"
"paymentMethodSpecificInput": {
"sepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput": {
"paymentProductId": 771,
"paymentProduct771SpecificInput": {
"mandate": {
"bankAccountIban": {
"iban": "DE02370502990000684712",
"accountHolder": "Max Mustermann"
"recurrenceType": "UNIQUE",
"uniqueMandateReference": "your-mandate-id",
"dateOfSignature": "20220101",
"creditorId": "DE98ZZZ09999999999"
"paymentChannel": "ECOMMERCE"
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"createPaymentResponse": {
"payment": {
"paymentOutput": {
"amountOfMoney": {
"amount": 1299,
"currencyCode": "EUR"
"references": {
"merchantReference": "Order-2234521246"
"paymentMethod": "directDebit",
"sepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput": {
"paymentProductId": 771,
"paymentProduct771SpecificOutput": {
"mandateReference": "your-mandate-id"
"status": "CAPTURED",
"statusOutput": {
"isCancellable": false,
"statusCategory": "COMPLETED",
"isAuthorized": false,
"isRefundable": true
"id": "PP2AAD9Q7J6GK6GD"
"paymentExecutionId": "8a82d57b-14cb-443f-852f-a1dd8b4c4906"
"shoppingCart": {
"items": [
"invoiceData": {
"description": "sepa pain"
"orderLineDetails": {
"id": "e983f355-e015-4089-b140-3da377704195",
"productCode": "SDD01",
"productPrice": 1299,
"productType": "GOODS",
"quantity": 1,
"taxAmount": 19,
"status": [
"lineItemStatus": "ORDERED",
"quantity": 1
Webhook after successful SEPA Direct Debit payment
You can identify the corresponding transaction by the field in the order response. The status CAPTURED shows that the SEPA Direct Debit was processed successfully in the payment gateway and will be sent with the next batch processing to the bank.
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"apiVersion": "v1",
"created": "2023-11-15T12:31:32.278828330+00:00",
"id": "5553da0b-5ec0-4f94-8f02-b2d1fd082bf4",
"merchantId": "P1_18323_2013224",
"payment": {
"paymentOutput": {
"amountOfMoney": {
"amount": 1299,
"currencyCode": "EUR"
"references": {
"merchantReference": "Order-2234521246"
"sepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput": {
"paymentProductId": 771
"paymentMethod": "directDebit"
"status": "CAPTURED",
"statusOutput": {
"isCancellable": false,
"statusCategory": "COMPLETED",
"isAuthorized": false,
"isRefundable": true
"id": "PP2AAD9Q7J6GK6GD"
"type": "payment.captured"