To change the display text in month selection drop down just add this code block just before initiating the iFrames via “new Payone.ClientApi.HostedIFrames (config, request)” in your shop:
Please pay attention to replace “en” by your desired language. Further languages can be added.
Changing display text for error messages
To change the display text for error messages add this code block just before initiating the iFrames via “new Payone.ClientApi.HostedIFrames (config, request)” in your shop:
Please pay attention to replace “en” by your desired language. Further languages can be added.
Specifying placeholder text for input fields
A placeholder text can be specified per input field (type “text”, “password” and “tel”); a placeholder text can not be specified for input field type “select”. Therefore add this block just before initiating the iFrames via “new Payone.ClientApi.HostedIFrames (config, request)” in your shop:
placeholder text for input fields = 'Kartennummer'; = 'CVC'; = '(MM)'; // not for input field type “select” = '(JJJJ)'; // not for input field type “select”
Payone.ClientApi.Language.en.placeholders.cardpan = 'Cardnumber';
Payone.ClientApi.Language.en.placeholders.cvc = 'CVC';
Payone.ClientApi.Language.en.placeholders.expireMonth = '(MM)'; // not for input field type “select”
Payone.ClientApi.Language.en.placeholders.expireYear = '(YYYY)'; // not for input field type “select”
Please pay attention to replace “de”/“en” by your desired language. Further languages can be added.
Change style for active input fields
You can specifiy the style for an input field like this: