Integration Guide WooCommerce


Our WooCommerce plugin comes with regular updates and full integration support, offering a versatile out-of-the-box solution to accept online payments easily:

Currently supported payment methods:

  • Credit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Carde Bleue)
  • Amazon Pay
  • Alipay
  • Bancontact
  • EPS
  • iDEAL
  • Klarna Payments
  • PAYONE Secure Invoice
  • PAYONE Secured Invoice, Secured Direct Debit and Secured Installment
  • PAYONE Direct Debit
  • PAYONE open Invoice
  • PAYONE Vorkasse
  • PayPal and PayPal Express
  • PayPal v2 and PayPal Express v2
  • Przelewy24
  • Sofort
  • Ratepay Invoice, Direct Debit and Installment

Keep an eye on our Release Notes to stay informed about updates and new features (i.e. payment methods, features, integration modes) we have added to this plugin!

Check out our documentation to learn how to link your store with our platform to profit from all these features!

Current Release: v2.8.0


An active PAYONE - Account is required. If you do not have one yet, please contact us.

Plugin Installation

You have 2 ways to install our plugin:

Installation directly in WooCommerce - Admin
  1. Download the free PAYONE plugin from the WordPress Store.
  2. Upload the plugin in your store under WooCommerce → Plugins → Add New.
  3. Install and activate the plugin.

Installation via Github

Extract the archive into: /wp-content/plugins/payone-woocommerce-3

PAYONE - Portal configuration

To send the transaction status to the correct address, the log in to the PAYONE Merchant Interface (PMI).

Under Configuration → Payment Portals → YOUR_PORTAL → Advanced → TransactionStatus URL

From plugin version 2.1.0: <SHOPURL>/wc-api/payoneplugin/
For old plugin versions: <SHOPURL>/payone-callback/

Additional Response-data

Under General, set the Additional Response data for both Live and Test modes to "on".

Woocommerce - Admin configuration

Click on PAYONE. Please enter your access data here:

By clicking on "Test API setting" you can check if your data has been entered correctly.

Detailed description of each field

Field Description
Merchant-ID You will find your PAYONE Merchant ID at the top right of the PAYONE Merchant Interface (PMI) and on all PAYONE invoices.
Portal-ID You can find the portal ID in the PAYONE Merchant Interface (PMI) under the menu item Configuration → Payment Portals


You can find the ID in the PAYONE Merchant Interface (PMI) under the menu item Configuration → Accounts


Please enter the key here to protect the data communication against manipulation. This must be identical to the key stored in the corresponding PAYONE payment portal.


Here you can specify for the respective payment type whether the payments are to be processed in test mode or whether they are to be executed "live". You can also configure the test mode for individual payment types.

Submit Cart

Here you can configure whether the shopping cart information should be transferred to the PAYONE platform for each request.

Activate PDF Download

If activated, a link will be offered after the order has been placed, via which the end customer can download the SEPA Mandate as a PDF file.

This product must be ordered separately.

Dynamic Invoice Text

Specifies whether and (if yes) which dynamic text should appear on an invoice generated by PAYONE.

The contents of the field are transferred in the parameter "invoiceappendix". The maximum length is 255 characters and different WooCommerce variables can be used as placeholders. You can use {{order} } to reference the current order number in WooCommerce in the request.

Dynamic Refund Text

You can specify the dynamic text that will appear on credits created by the PAYONE platform. (see above)


Specifies whether the log for API calls from WooCommerce to PAYONE should be activated.

The API logs may contain personal information. Please ask your legal advisor or data protection officer about data protection implications.
  • Deactivated - no log is kept over API calls
  • Activated - a log about the API calls is created.

Transaction Status Log

Specifies whether a log is to be kept of the transaction status messages received from the shop system.

  • Deactivated - no log of transaction status messages is kept.
  • Activated - transaction status messages from PAYONE platform are logged

The required data for the setup can be found in the PMI

Permalinks in Wordpress

It is important that the Permalink settings under Settings → Permalinks are not set to "Plain".

Payment methods setup

You can access the settings for the individual payment methods via the WooCommerce menu (WooCommerce → Settings → Payments). Payment methods provided by the PAYONE plugin are marked with the prefix "PAYONE".


Configuration Options

All payment methods offer certain basic options.

Field Description


Specifies whether the payment type is to be displayed in the checkout.


Specifies the name of the payment type in the checkout.

customer message

Here you can define an additional message to be displayed when you select the payment type.

Minimum Order Value

The payment type is only displayed from this shopping basket value onwards.

Maximum Order Value

The payment type is no longer displayed if the market-basket value exceeds this total.

Method of Authorization

Indicates whether the payment type is addressed by "authorization" or "preauthorization".

  • Authorization - Here the payment method is debited directly when ordering (where possible) and a claim is written on the PAYONE platform.
  • Preauthorization - As far as possible, payment will be reserved at the time of order. The payment has to be collected later in the order.
Which authorization method is used for which payment method can have an effect on the cash flow. Which method you should use depends strongly on the business model and the payment type.

Active Countries

In which countries should the selected payment method be active? By default, Germany, Austria and Switzerland are active. You can add or deselect further countries by "ctrl+click".

Use global settings

With this option, the global settings for the shop can be overwritten for specific payment methods.

  • Yes - the data active in the general settings will be used for this payment method.
  • No - After saving, the fields Merchant ID, Portal ID, Account ID, Key etc. appear again and can be filled with different data.

Special adjustments

Some payment methods require special adjustments. The next points are only relevant to you if you use the specific payment method:

PAYONE Secured Invoice + PAYONE Secured Installment

These two payment methods require their own payment portal. Please enter under Woocommerce → Settings → Payments → PAYONE Secured Invoice bzw. PAYONE Secured Installment → Use global settings "no" → Portal ID a separate portal ID.

If the orders are partially captured, the refunds must be created in the same amount. The background is that a new receivable is created with each capture.

PAYONE Credit Card

Field Description

Credit card Brand

Here you can activate the credit card brands to be used for checkout. You can also define user-defined names for the individual markers.

Minimum Validity of Card

Specifies the number of days a credit card used must still be valid for a transaction.

Credits on expired credit cards are not possible.
User-defined display for the hosted iframe

The WooCommerce Extension offers the conformity with the "lowest" Compliance Level according to PCI DSS (SAQ A). Since in this compliance level all credit card data may only be entered in fields hosted by a PCI DSS certified service provider, our extension uses iFrames that are integrated into the checkout. However, these do not inherit the CSS of the shop template, but contain their own style. You can use the following settings to customize these fields.

Field Description


  • Numeric - Only numbers are allowed and for mobile devices the numeric keyboard is used input type="tel".
  • Password - input type="password"
  • Text - input type="text"

digit count

Length of the field in characters ( HTML attribute size )

max digits

Maximum length of input ( HTML attribute maxlength )


  • Default - Uses width and height from standard style
  • Custom - Uses width and height from the following fields|


CSS - Specify width


CSS - Indication of height


  • Default - Uses CSS specification from "Default Style"
  • Custom - Uses CSS specification from the following field


Specification of CSS properties for the field

Deactivated when Standard is selected beforehand.

All CSS properties except "url" are allowed. The following characters are prohibited: "\", "/", "?", "<" and ">"

default style

  • Text Input - CSS specification for all input fields (HTML input)
  • Select - CSS specification for all selection fields (HTML select )


  • Width - CSS specification
  • Height - CSS specification

Error Output

Error Output Active

Specifies whether card payment errors are to be specified in the checkout.

Error Output Active (Language)

Select the language in which the error message should be returned.

PAYONE Direct Debit

With this payment method, careful selection of the authorization method is particularly important. Since with "Authorization" the demand is written immediately on the PAYONE platform, the platform also immediately sends a corresponding invoice. You should therefore use this authorization method above all if you perform the service immediately.

Editing the orders

Orders placed via the PAYONE Extension for WooCommerce are listed as usual in the order overview of WooCommerce. Order processing differs depending on the authorization method used to process the order.


Orders placed using the authorization method "Preauthorization" are given the status "On Hold" after the order has been placed.


Only a status change to "Processing" activates the claim on the PAYONE platform and initiates (where possible) the collection of funds. Set the status to "Processing" and click on the blue "Update" button on the right.


The collection is then initiated on the PAYONE platform and acknowledged in the order notes:


Possible errors can also be found in the Order Notes.

Reserved payments are not reserved indefinitely. You should therefore take care to set orders to "Processing" in good time after a preauthorization and thus collect the payment or write the claim. Here are some (non-binding) guide values for the validity of the reservation:
- Credit card - 7 days (sometimes longer, varies from bank to bank)
- PayPal - 29 days
- PAYONE Secure Purchase on Account - 28 Days

Credit notes use the familiar WooCommerce credit note process. A click on the button "Refund" in the order opens the menu for credit notes:


Here you can enter the amount credited and a reason. Important: "Refund manually" does not credit the money on the payment method, but only in WooCommerce. Use this option only if you do not want to transfer money back or if you use other ways than the PAYONE platform.

Due to limitations in the way that WooCommerce manages orders, the shop's standard tax rate for the entire credit amount is always transferred for credit notes with shopping basket transfer. This is especially important when the PAYONE platform takes care of document dispatch for you. This is the case, for example, with the PAYONE Safe Invoice payment method.
However, if you wish to credit a shopping cart that contains items with different tax rates or mixed tax rates, please use the credit function in the PAYONE Merchant Interface. There you have the option of creating individual shopping basket items together with the tax rate, which are then displayed correctly on the document. 
Extended configurations

Here you will find separate setting options that allow you to customize our plugin more precisely to your needs.



Under "API-Log" you will find the detailed API calls that WooCommerce sends to the PAYONE platform. Here you will also find detailed technical information on the response to the PAYONE API.

Transaction Status Log

The Transaction Status Log displays all feedback on payments made that the shop receives from the PAYONE API.