Updating the master data and/or the payment data for an end customer.
POST Request - Updateuser
Fixed Value: updateuser
your merchant ID, 5-digit numeric
your subaccount ID, 5-digit numeric
your Portal ID, 7-digit numeric
your key value, alpha-numeric
customerid optional
Format CHAR(1..20)
Permitted Symbols [0-9, a-z, A-Z, .,-,_,/] Merchant's customer ID, defined by you / merchant to refer to the customer record. "customerid" can be used to identify a customer record.
If "customerid" is used then stored customer data are loaded automatically. |
userid optional
Format NUMERIC(6..12)
PAYONE User ID, defined by PAYONE |
salutation optional
Format CHAR(1..10)
The customer's salutation |
title optional
Format CHAR(1..20)
Dr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Title of the customer |
firstname optional
Format CHAR(1..50)
First name of customer; optional if company is used, i.e.: you may use "company" or "lastname" or "firstname" plus "lastname" |
Format CHAR(2..50)
Last name of customer; optional if company is used, i.e.: you may use "company" or "lastname" or "firstname" plus "lastname" |
company optional
Format CHAR(2..50)
Comany name of customer; optional if company is used, i.e.: you may use "company" or "lastname" or "firstname" plus "lastname" |
street optional
Format CHAR(1..50)
Street number and name (required: at least one character) |
addressaddition optional
Format CHAR(1..50)
7th floor c/o Maier Specifies an additional address line for the invoice address of the customer. |
zip optional
Format CHAR(2..50)
Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z][a-z][_.-/ ]
Postcode |
city optional
Format CHAR(2..50)
City of customer |
Format LIST
Permitted values ISO 3166 2-letter-codes
DE GB US Specifies country of address for the customer. Some countries require additional information in parameter "state". |
state required (in CN)
Format LIST
Permitted values: ISO 3166-2 States (regions) 2-letter-codes
Specifies state / region of country for the customer. |
email optional
Format CHAR(5..254)
Permitted Symbols RFC 5322
Special Remark email validation: Max. length for email is 254 characters. Validation is set up in the following way: Username = Max. 63 characters Domain Name = Max. 63 characters "@" and "." is counted as a character as well; in case of a total of three suffixes, this would allow a total of 254 characters. email-address of customer |
telephonenumber optional
Format CHAR(1..30)
Phone number of customer |
birthday optional
20190101 19991231 Date of birth of customer |
language optional
Format LIST
Permitted values ISO 639-1 (Language)2-letter-codes Language indicator (ISO 639) to specify the language that should be presented to the customer (e.g. for error messages, frontend display). If the language is not transferred, the browser language will be used. For a non-supported language English will be used. |
vatid optional
Format CHAR(1..50)
VAT identification number. Used for b2b transactions to indicate VAT number of customer. |
accessname optional
Format CHAR(1..32)
>Customer's user name |
accesscode optional
Format CHAR(1..32)
Customer's password |
delete_carddata optional
Format LIST
Deleting data for payment method "credit card". |
shipping_firstname optional
Format CHAR(1..50)
First name of delivery address |
shipping_lastname optional
Format CHAR(1..50)
Surname of delivery address |
shipping_company optional
Format CHAR(2..50)
Company name of delivery address |
shipping_street optional
Format CHAR(2..50)
Street number and name of delivery address |
shipping_zip optional
Format CHAR(2..50)
Postcode of delivery address |
shipping_city optional
Format CHAR(2..50)
City of delivery address |
shipping_addressaddition optional
Format CHAR(1..50)
Specifies an additional address line for the delivery address of the customer, e.g. "7th floor", "c/o Maier". |
shipping_country optional
Format LIST
Permitted values ISO 3166 2-letter-codes
DE GB US Specifies country of address for the customer. Some countries require additional information in parameter "state" |
shipping_state required (in CN)
Format LIST
Permitted values ISO 3166-2 States (regions) 2-letter-codes
Format LIST
Permitted Values DE; DK; EE; ES; FI; IT; MT; NL; NO; PL; SE
Account type/ country for use with BBAN (i.e. bankcode, bankaccount): DE DE: Mandatory with bankcode, bankaccount, optional with IBAN For other countries than DE please use IBAN or IBAN/BIC |
Format CHAR(8 or 11) Only capital letters and digits, no spaces
Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z]
Bank Identifier Code to be used for payment or to be checked |
bic optional
Format CHAR(8 or 11) Only capital letters and digits, no spaces
Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z]
BIC is optional for all Bank transfers within SEPA. For Accounts from Banks outside of SEPA, BIC is still required. |
bankaccount optional
Format NUMERIC(1..10)
DE: bankcountry, bankcode and bankaccount may be used. Then IBAN will be generated by PAYONE platform and used for SEPA transactions. |
bankcode optional
Format NUMERIC(8)
DE: bankcountry, bankcode and bankaccount may be used. Then IBAN will be generated by PAYONE platform and used for SEPA transactions. |
bankaccountholder optional
Format CHAR(1..50)
Account holder |
cardpan optional
Format NUMERIC(13..19)
Primary account number of credit card If your system handles "cardpan" directly you can not be PCI DSS SAQ A compliant.
For simple PCI DSS SAQ A compliance please use PAYONE hosted iFrames together with pseudocardpan. |
cardtype optional
Format LIST
Card type of credit card
Primary account number of credit card
*girocard is currently only viable for e-commerce-payments via Apple Pay. |
cardexpiredate optional
Credit card expiry date YYMM |
cardissuenumber optional
Format NUMERIC(1..2)
Card issue number (only Maestro UK cards) |
cardholder optional
Format CHAR(1..50)
Cardholder of credit card. |
pseudocardpan optional
Format NUMERIC(16..19)
Pseudo primary account number for a credit card. |
Permitted Values
Format NUMERIC(1..6)
In case of error the PAYONE Platform returns an error code for your internal usage. |
Format CHAR(1..1024)
In case of error the PAYONE Platform returns an error message for your internal usage. |
Format CHAR(1..1024)
The customermessage is returned to your system in order to be displayed to the customer. (Language selection is based on the end customer's language, parameter "language") |
Host: api.pay1.de
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded