Contact  our Sales team


If you would like to purchase additional payment methods or modules, the PAYONE Sales Team will be happy to assist you.


  • PAYONE Sales Team

  • Telephone: +49 431 25968-400
  • Fax: +49 431 25968-1400



Contact our Merchant Services


If you have any questions regarding the set-up or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact the PAYONE Merchant Service.


  • PAYONE Merchant Service

  • Telephone: +49 431 25968-200
  • Fax: +49 431 25968-1200



Contact our Technical Support


Do you have questions or do you need further information? Then contact us. The PAYONE Technical Support is always happy to provide assistance.


  • PAYONE Technical Support

  • Telephone: +49 431 25968-500
  • Fax: +49 431 25968-1500
