
The payments export enables you to export your previous transaction data in the PAYONE Merchant Interface (PMI). In this context, differing criteria can be freely selected and are explained in further detail in the following parts of this document. 


It is firstly necessary to specify the required criteria in order to trigger the generation of a CSV file in the next step via the Export button which is, in turn, available a short time later as a download. 

Different types of process can be exported: with the multiple selection feature, it is also possible for several or all of the types of process to be contained in a single export file.

The export time frame is limited to 31 days as standard.
Parameter Kommentar

Direct debits Source

collection in the direct debit process, debiting of credit cards, etc.

Transfers Source

advance payment, cash on delivery, invoice, online credit transfer

Debt collection payments Source

payments made via your debt collection service provider

Reversals Source

return payments with direct debit payments, charge backs with credit card payments

Credits Source

return credit transfers triggered by the merchant, e.g. on the purchaser's bank account, on their credit card account, or on their PayPal account.

The time frame under consideration can be selected via a start and end date. The date of the entry of the payment and/or the transaction and not of the receivable is decisive in this case.

Please note:

With incoming credit transfers and chargebacks, the date of the account statement applies. With debit entries and credit entries, the date on which they were carried out applies, but not the date on which the debit entry and/or the credit transfer was entered on the account.

Parameter Kommentar

Creation time

date/time on which the payment was acquired by the system

Booking date

date under which the payment was acquired in the accounting

Booking date (YYYYMMDD)

Document date

date of the business transaction in question (date of the receipt of payment)

Document date (YYYYMMDD)

Document reference

external reference number of the payment, e.g. account statement number


individual parameter


type of process

Payment type

category of payment method C.f. clearingtype

Sub type (of payment)

with which the transaction was completed (provider) C.f. subtype - export


amount of the transaction


currency in which the transaction was completed

First name

first name of the purchaser


surname of the purchaser


company of the purchaser

Address addition

Additional information on the address of the purchaser


street of the purchaser


location of the purchaser


postcode of the purchaser


country of the purchaser


region of the purchaser

First name (shipping)

first name of the consignee

Last name (shipping)

surname of the consignee

Company (shipping)

company of the consignee

Address addition (shipping)

Additional information on the address of the consignee

Street (shipping)

street of the consignee

Street number (shipping)

street number of the consignee

City (shipping)

location of the consignee

Zip (shipping)

postcode of the consignee

Country (shipping)

Firma des Sendungsempfängers

State (shipping)

country of the consignee

Straße (Versand)

region of the consignee


Hausnummer des Sendungsempfängers

Ort (Versand)

Ort des Sendungsempfängers

PLZ (Versand)

Postleitzahl des Sendungsempfängers

Land (Versand)

Land des Sendungsempfängers

Region (Versand)

Region des Sendungsempfängers


email address of the consignee


Vat-ID of the purchaser

Card number

with credit card payments: Card number in secure format

Card type

with credit card payments: Account number of the purchaser

Account number

bank account number of the purchaser

Error text

with chargebacks, refer to the "API documentation"

Error code

with chargebacks, refer to the "API documentation"

Item title

title of the item

Item description

description of the item

Number of items

quantity of the items

Item price

price of the item

Item number

number of the item

VAT rate for item

VAT rate of the item


Here you can download an example export for Payment as CSV-file:

Payment Events

The payment processes export shows the status of the payment processes for either individual or all of the available sub-accounts available at the time of the export. It is possible to filter within the payment processes according to specific circumstances, such as all of the receivables which are currently at a certain dunning level. The different criteria can be freely selected and are explained in further detail in the following parts of this document. 

The time frame under consideration can be selected via a start and end date. The date of the initialisation of the payment process and/or the transaction is decisive in this case.
Different circumstances can be individually filtered from the payment processes. Possible circumstances which are assigned to the dunning level field in the payment processes::
  1. All payment events
  2. Outstanding payment events
  3. Dunning proposal list
  4. Dunning level 1
  5. Dunning level 2
  6. Dunning level 3
  7. Dunning level 4
  8. Debt collection proposal list
  9. With debt collection agency
  10. Settled payment events

Weitere Parameter:



Account-ID ID of the Sub-Account within the PAYONE Plattform
Payment Process Id process number of the PAYONE platform
Serial no. sequence number of the step within the transaction
Merchant reference no. reference number of the merchant which was handed over to the PAYONE platform with the booking
Date  initiation of the payment process (UNIX time stamp)
Total payment request sum of all receivables (in the biggest currency unit! e.g. EURO)
Total payment sum of all payments (in the biggest currency unit! e.g. EURO)
Balance of the process account (in the biggest currency unit! e.g. Euro)
Dunning level dunning status of the purchaser
Currency pecifies currency for this transaction, Format:  ISO 4217 (currencies) 3-letter-codes
Payment type category of payment method C.f. clearingtype
Sub type (of payment) with which the transaction was completed (provider) C.f. subtype - export
(PAYONE) Debtor ID PAYONE debtor no.
(Merchant) Customer no. customer number with merchant
First name first name of the purchaser
Surname surname of the purchaser
Company possible company name of the purchaser
Address addition Additional information on the address of the purchaser
Street street name of the invoice address
Town location of the invoice address
Postcode postcode of the invoice address
Country country of the invoice address (ISO - 3166)
State region of the purchaser
First name (shipping) first name of the consignee
Last name (shipping) surname of the consignee
Company (shipping) company of the consignee
Address addition (shipping) Additional information on the address of the consignee
Street (shipping) street of the consignee
Street number (shipping) street number of the consignee

City (shipping)

location of the consignee

Zip (shipping)

postcode of the consignee

Country (shipping)

country of the consignee

State (shipping)

region of the consignee


email address of the invoice recipient


Here you can download an example export for Payment Events as CSV-file:

Payment Requests

The Receivables export shows all of the receivables to have been entered for either individual or all of the available sub-accounts, and can be downloaded by authorised users in the PAYONE Merchant Interface (PMI). In this context, the different criteria can be selected freely and are described in the following parts of this document. 

The time frame under consideration can also be selected here via a start and end date. The date of the entry of the payment and/or the transaction and not of the receivable is decisive in this case.

further Parameter:




ID of the sub-account of the PAYONE platform

PAYONE process Id

process number of the PAYONE platform

Serial no.

sequence number of the step within the transaction

Merchant reference no.

reference number of the merchant which was handed over to the PAYONE platform with the booking

(PAYONE) Debtor no.

automatically assigned PAYONE platform internal customer number (return parameter user-ID)

(Merchant) Customer no.

customer number of the purchaser with the merchant which was handed over to the PAYONE platform with the booking (request parameter customer ID)

Creation time

date/time on which the payment was acquired by the system

Booking date

date under which the payment was acquired in the accounting

Document date

date of the business transaction in question (date of the receipt of payment)

Transaction type

receivable type C.f. 5.3

Invoice no.

Fbill number with merchant

Gross amount

gross sum of the receivable

Net amount

net sum of the receivable

VAT amount

VAT sum of the receivable

VAT rate

rate of VAT in percent


Währung, in der die Transaktion abgewickelt wurde

First name

first name of the purchaser


surname of the purchaser


company of the purchaser

Address addition

Additional information on the address of the purchaser


street of the purchaser


location of the purchaser


postcode of the purchaser


country of the purchaser


region of the purchaser

First name (shipping)

first name of the consignee

Last name (shipping)

surname of the consignee

Company (shipping)

company of the consignee

Address addition (shipping)

Additional information on the address of the consignee

Street (shipping)

street of the consignee

Street number (shipping)

street number of the consignee

City (shipping)

location of the consignee

Zip (shipping)

postcode of the consignee

Country (shipping)

country of the consignee

State (shipping)

region of the consignee


email address of the consignee


Vat-ID of the purchaser


Here you can download an example export for Payment Requests as CSV-file:

Daily Balance

The daily closing export offers the possibility of exporting individual items and files of the daily closings that have been completed. In these daily closings, the direct debits and credit transfers from one day or several days are summarised.

The different criteria can be freely selected and are explained in further detail in the following parts of this document.



The time frame for evaluation can be selected via a start and end date. The date of the entry of the payment and/or the transaction and not of the receivable is decisive in this case.
Parameter Kommentar

File ID

File transfer exchange number (with the credit transfer of (collective-) direct debits, this number is shown in the intended purpose of the account statement). In the export it is possible to see which individual customer payments are located in a collector.

Block number

aggregation of SEPA direct debits depending on the due date

Payment process Id

PAYONE process ID

Merchant reference no.

merchant reference number

Merchant customer no.

customer number with merchant


sequence number

Account holder

owner of the account

IBAN / Account number

IBAN/account number of the account

BIC / Bankcode

Sort code

Payment type

category of payment method C.f. clearingtype

Sub type (of payment)

with which the transaction was completed (provider) C.f. subtype - export


total price in the smallest currency unit


dynamic text component

Mandate reference

SEPA credit transfer reference (can be generated by PAYONE or is given by the merchant as a parameter)

Date of mandate

the mandate was issued



Here you can download an example export for Daily Balance as CSV-file:


The OP list (open items list) export can be downloaded by authorised users in the PAYONE Merchant Interface (PMI). In this context, all of the open items from a definable time frame are exported at a definable target date from the past. In this way, for example, it is possible for all of the open items to be viewed which occurred in January and were still open in March. In this context, an open item can also be an overpayment.

The time frame under consideration can be selected via a start and end date, and the due date is defined by determining the until-date. 
Open items can be displayed accordingly using the Acquirer Statements and Bank Accounts tabs. If several bank accounts are used, these can be selected separately. 


For Debtor and Acquirer Statements:




PAYONE process Id

PAYONE process ID

Merchant reference no.

merchant reference number, which was given with the transaction to PAYONE

(PAYONE) Debtor no.

automatically assigned PAYONE platform internal customer number (return parameter user-ID)

(Merchant) Customer no.

customer number with merchant, which was given with the transaction to PAYONE (Request Parameter customer-ID)

Creation time

date/time on which the payment was acquired by the system

Booking date

date under which the payment was acquired in the accounting

Voucher type

type of business transaction

Item type

type of entry


transaction sum


currency in which the transaction was completed

First name

first name of the purchaser


surname of the purchaser


company of the purchaser

Address addition

Additional information on the address of the purchaser


street of the purchaser


location of the purchaser


postcode of the purchaser


country of the purchaser


region of the purchaser

First name (shipping)

first name of the consignee

Last name (shipping)

surname of the consignee

Company (shipping)

company of the consignee

Address addition (shipping)

Additional information on the address of the consignee

Street (shipping)

street of the consignee

Street number (shipping)

street number of the consignee

City (shipping)

location of the consignee

Zip (shipping)

postcode of the consignee

Country (shipping)

country of the consignee

State (shipping)

region of the consignee


email address of the consignee


For bank accounts:


Field name description

Statement number

number of the account statement

Creation time

date/time on which the payment was acquired by the system

Booking date

date under which the payment was acquired in the accounting

Voucher type

type of business transaction

Item type

type of entry


transaction sum


currency in which the transaction was completed


text which is supplemented by the intended purpose (dynamic)

Reason for payment 1-10

dynamic text component

Account holder

Owner of the account

Bank account

account number of the account

Bank Code

sort code


Here you can download an example export for OP-Lists as CSV-file:


EPA files (Electronic Payment Advice) are Settlement files from Acquirers, and just like an account statement, they contain information about completed payments, chargebacks and credit entries. EPA files can be obtained from the PAYONE platform, and just like account statements, automatically processed and assigned to the processing account. Acquirers regularly pay the credit balance from completed credit card transactions into the contractual partner's bank account. In this context, the transactions from the accounting period in question are generally summarised in one invoice. At the same time, the individual transaction-related information from a settlement is generated as an EPA file and provided by the Acquirer. 

The PAYONE platform offers the option of downloading the information from the provided EPA files, enriched with internal data from the PAYONE platform such as the merchant reference number, the customer number and the address of the customer in CSV format.

Field name



contractual company number


 ID of the terminal used for the transaction


ID of the sub-account that was used

Payment process Id

process number of the PAYONE platform

Merchant reference no.

reference number of the merchant which was handed over to the PAYONE platform with the booking

(PAYONE) debtor no.

automatically assigned PAYONE platform internal customer number (return parameter user-ID)

(Merchant) Customer no.

customer number of the purchaser with the merchant which was handed over to the PAYONE platform with the booking (request parameter customer ID)


customer number of the purchaser with the merchant which was handed over to the PAYONE platform with the booking (request parameter customer ID)


type of process C.f. 5.2

Entry description

text of the entry


transaction sum


currency in which the transaction was completed

Card number

credit card number (in brief)

Card type

brand of card (Visa, MasterCard, etc.)

First name first name of the purchaser
Surname surname of the purchaser
Company possible company name of the purchaser
Address addition Additional information on the address of the purchaser
Street street name of the invoice address
Town location of the invoice address
Postcode postcode of the invoice address
Country country of the invoice address (ISO - 3166)
State region of the purchaser
First name (shipping) first name of the consignee
Last name (shipping) surname of the consignee
Company (shipping) company of the consignee
Address addition (shipping) Additional information on the address of the consignee
Street (shipping) street of the consignee
Street number (shipping) street number of the consignee

City (shipping)

location of the consignee

Zip (shipping)

postcode of the consignee

Country (shipping)

country of the consignee

State (shipping)

region of the consignee


email address of the invoice recipient

Here you can download an example export for EPA as CSV-file:


In the virtual account export, you are provided with the individual purchases and subscriptions which have been settled in the Billing module. With a start and end date, the evaluation time frame – for which the appropriate transaction data of the virtual account can be exported as a CSV file – can be freely selected. The generation of this file is also triggered by the Export button.




ID of the sub-account that was used


ID of the virtual account in question


name for the clear identification of the virtual account

Process ID (VA)

process number on the virtual account

Process-Reference (VA)

merchant reference in the virtual account


individual parameter

Creation time

date/time on which the payment was acquired by the system


transaction sum


currency in which the transaction was completed

Payment Process ID

process number of the PAYONE platform

(PAYONE) Debtor no.

automatically assigned PAYONE platform internal customer number (return parameter user-ID)

(Merchant) Customer no.

customer number of the purchaser with the merchant which was handed over to the PAYONE platform with the booking (request parameter customer ID)

First name

first name of the purchaser


surname of the purchaser


company of the purchaser

Address addition

Additional information on the address of the purchaser


street of the purchaser


location of the purchaser


postcode of the purchaser


country of the purchaser


region of the purchaser

First name (shipping)

first name of the consignee

Last name (shipping)

surname of the consignee

Company (shipping)

company of the consignee

Address addition (shipping)

Additional information on the address of the consignee

Street (shipping)

street of the consignee

Street number (shipping)

street number of the consignee

City (shipping)

location of the consignee

Zip (shipping)

postcode of the consignee

Country (shipping)

country of the consignee

State (shipping)

region of the consignee


email address of the consignee


Vat-ID of the purchaser

With a Startn and Enddate you can chose a timefraem. You have to use the transaction date not the date of the payment requests.

Here you can download an example export for VA as CSV-file:

<a class="btn btn-success has-text-white" type="button" href="/bl-content/downloads/downloadexport/VA_2015-08-01_2015-08-31.csv"" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Download .csv

Here you can download all files packaged