
The PAYONE Merchant Interface (PMI) is the web-based user interface for the PAYONE platform, and provides functions for the configuration of the Merchant Account as well as administration options for processed payment transactions. 

The PMI offers you the following options, among others:

  1. Search for debtors on the basis of differing parameters
  2. Display of debtor and process accounts
  3. Administration of debtors' master data and payment data
  4. Display and administration of contracts and subscriptions
  5. Search and display of dunning runs and reminders
  6. Search and download of invoices and credit entries
  7. Verwaltung der Mahnläufen
  8. Anzeige/Download von Rechnungen und Gutschriften
  9. Completion of credit entries with individual credit entry items
  10. De-recognition of receivables

The PMI is operated in a high security computing centre as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), which means the costs of the installation, maintenance and release-change are omitted. The PMI is developed on a continuous basis so that new features and functions can be used both automatically and immediately following their publication. It is available in German and English.

Merchant Account / Basic System

The basis for the use of the PAYONE platform is a merchant account in the form of a client account of the contractual partner. 

A merchant account always consists of the following components which together form the basic system:

PAYONE Merchant Interface (PMI)
At least one payment portal
At least one sub-account
At least one type of connection (interface/channel)


In the course of the set-up process, every merchant is assigned a unique identification number at PAYONE. This is known as the Merchant ID. Among others, this serves as a reference in the case of service enquiries in order to identify the merchant and should be stated by you every time you make contact with PAYONE. After the login has been completed, the Merchant ID is shown throughout in the top right above the logout button.


A wide range of customer data, payment data and merchant information are accessible via the PMI. Numerous configurations are also saved which are essential for the smooth functioning of the merchant's E-commerce platform.

For data protection reasons and for your security, access information should be kept in a safe place and should not be forwarded to third parties. The PMI should always be exited via the logout button in the top right. 

For employees of the merchant as well as service providers who make configurations on behalf of the merchant, the PMI provides an access authorisation system with which individual access can be created by the main user of the PMI. At the same time, it can also be determined as to whether employees should be given read or write permissions for certain areas. With the appropriate administration rights, any number of accesses can be set-up and administered by the main PMI user in the PMI. For security reasons it is urgently recommended to assign the accesses on an individually specific basis only, and to assign read and write permissions as per the requirements.